Kind Ride Share * Got a Ride? Need a Ride? Let's Rideshare!

Kind Ride Share

An Experience of Vision

Chaz, Creator and Author of Kind Ride ShareAfter being offline for nearly a decade, I am proud to welcome back Kind Ride Share. once helped thousands of travelers get where they were going and, find the resources they needed along the way. It also helped folks who lost each other in their travels reconnect and provided a great place to meet new friends. I aim to make that happen again.

For those who remember Kind Ride Share, in this latest build (dubbed the NextGen Millennium Edition) everything that was once present plus a whole lot more will be coming to over the following months. Below is a description of some of what I am working on.

The City Guide is an open-source directory that lists traveler resources such as gas vouchers and emergency assistance, temporary shelters, food banks, clothing pantries, medical help, safe overnight parking, camping sites, low-cost auto mechanics, etc. Its purpose is to provide travelers with a means to share information about resources and assistance programs that might be helpful to others during their travels.

  • Safe Parking
  • Free Camping
  • Showers & Laundry
  • Food Banks
  • Clothing Pantries
  • Stopovers
  • Cauch Surfs
  • Squat Sites

Secret underground culture networks within the City Guide will also be available. For example, freight train riders will be able to share jumpout locations and other valuable information while staying hidden behind access phrases that they share within their culture.

Guest Book is a free-for-all message board where visitors can leave comments without joining Kind Ride Share. It was once widely used by travelers wanting to make an announcement, post missing persons reports, or in hopes to be found by a friend they lost during their travels. Back in the day, parents even used the message board to reach out to their run-away children. It's hoped the Guest Book will find its way back into that space.

  • Anyone can post in the guest book
  • Share photos, videos, and audio
  • Replies are private and secure
  • Phone or email subscription required
  • No advertising or commercial posts allowed
  • This guest book is moderated for abuse only

The Kind Lost & Found is a public open source bulletin board system designed to allow members to make posts in search of a lost friend, a loved one who might be traveling or may have stopped off some where but has not checked in, a pet, and/or property that was lost or stolen during your travels. It never got much use but I still believe it is necessary to keep.

The Emergency Dispatch is an all points bulletin notification system that sends out alerts whenever anyone traveling comes up missing or, a vehicle is stolen. This program is an all access public address system, meaning membership registration at Kind Ride Share is not required. You can think of it as something akin to a BOLO Alert system. The difference is that the Emergency Dispatch, as a citizen reporting tool, is broadcast nationwide and can be utilized as soon as 15 minutes after the event comes to light.

The Emergency Dispatch is a free service available to every citizen. To receive dispatch notifications, users need only register their email address. To request an emergency dispatch, users need only provide information into the police report that was filed. Once the report has been verified, which can be achieved in as little as 15 minutes, the dispatch is immediately sent to all subscribers.

It is hoped the quick response that this tool is designed to provide will serve as both a deterrent and life saver. This program is being made available in strong support of the U.S. Justice Department's C.O.P.S. program and, is a demonstration of what community policing should look like. Deterrence is the most effective tool. If we can have every contemplator in fear of early detection, the effect offers more safety than if we sit idly by.

  • Anyone can join
  • Anyone can post
  • Verified police reports
  • Nationwide alerts

Cauch Surfs is a whole new program I will be offering to network folks who have a cauch to offer to those who need a cauch, for a night or two. Once here, it will connect directly to the member profiles to help them build a reputation making it easier to be trusted and welcomed. If done right, I hope to demonstrate how cauching surfing can be a safe and adventurous activity that is both excitingly interesting and rewarding.

There are always grassroots traveling gigs on the road who take their cause across the US to help folks in any number of ways. Many feed the homeless in inner-cities, others focus on addiction and suicide prevention, while even more offer valuable resources and comfort to those in need. Once here, Project Share will be a program specifically designed to allow these gigs the ability to cloud network, reach out for funding, find resources, get help when they need it and, provide others with the tools they need to interact and stay connected.

Share Your Idea's

Together we are a network of kindness

Stacy Hall, aka Chaz

When it comes to creating Kind Ride Share, I am only limited by ideas. If there is a feature or forum you would like to see coded into this website, please feel free to contact me anytime. I can be reached using your Dispatch Messenger or through my page.

Landing time: